Kindy Addition Worksheets

Kindy addition worksheets to help your students improve their understanding of addition in mathematics. Even from a young age, students begin to make sense of numbers. It’s important to expose students in kindy to a number of hands on activities in maths. Get them playing games and becoming familiar with numbers. Use these addition worksheets to have your students practice their addition skills. These worksheets consist of ‘number addition’ and ‘picture addition’. Click on the images below to download the worksheets.

Number Addition Worksheets

Get your kindy students adding numbers every day! These worksheets focus on numbers up to 20, and can be quite challenging for young learners. Explicitly teach them addition strategies and use these math worksheets as an aid.

Picture Addition Worksheets

These kindy picture addition worksheets are great for engaging your students in maths. Teach them how to count and add, and then get them using these worksheets daily.

Grade 1 & 2 Mental Maths

60 weeks of grade 1 & 2 mental maths that will help your students improve in Mathematics. Your homework is set for the year! Just print and go! These resources are grade 1 and grade 2 (30 weeks of grade 1 & 30 weeks of grade 2), giving you excellent differentiation. It’s a great resource for homework, daily warm ups, rotations or extra activities. Mental maths is crucial and must be done daily. This resource will help! I hope you find it as useful as I have.

For grade 1 worksheets, check out subtraction and number patterns. There are some great worksheets there! For more 1st grade worksheets, check out Home School Maths. They have a range of free resources that will save your time and brighten your classroom!